tiistai 9. kesäkuuta 2015


You can comment your feedback for lolita-fashion buying/selling experiences with me >u<

maanantai 19. tammikuuta 2015

Lollipops & Scrabble!

I bought my first lolita-dress from this second-hand facebook group! It's in good condition & not as expensive as a new dress~
I have no idea if it's an actual brand, rather than a replica.
But a wise friend of mine has said, "the brand doesn't matter", which is very true.
As long as it's cute & fits me, I'm content. 
I really love a more classy approach to lolita fashion(classic/country-lolita),

but I thought that starting my lolita-journey with a sweet style would be good!
I'm looking forward to embracing my cute ways!
The print is amazing & the colour is in the prettiest pink!
I also really like the lace detailing, especially on the shoulder-straps.

It also comes with 2 headpieces of the same print.

I can't wait for them to arrive! I also plan to raid all nearby thrift-stores for a blouse to wear underneath.
If I'm going to be a lolita, I'll be a proper lolita.
All jokes aside, I don't want to take it too seriously, though.
I'll probably try to wear it with my natural hair, before experiementing with wigs.
\(☆^ω^☆)/ Ramuneko \(☆^ω^☆)/